Yamaha Repower Services from Fort Myers Marine

If your boat has lost the zip and zest it once had, the Yamaha-certified repower team at Fort Myers Marine can get you repowered with a new Yamaha outboard quicker and more affordably than you think. 

Our boat repower services are the perfect option to give your boat new life. Working with Fort Myers Marine, you get access to Yamaha five star-certified service specialists and top level purchasing power, which means less wait time. 

boat on river after boat restorationIf you’ve been thinking about buying a new boat because your existing one just doesn’t perform like it used to, you owe it to yourself to consider a repower. You could save money and get back on the water with improved performance and reliability, resulting in an enhanced overall boating experience.

Why Repower Your Boat with Fort Myers Marine? 

So, what advantages are there for boat owners looking to repower their outboards? The list is long. 

Here are some of the key reasons to explore repowering:

- We are your Yamaha Headquarters. We have received the coveted FIve Star Gold Certification from Yamaha, employig only factory certified technicians and Master Technicians and use only genuine Yamaha parts. 

- Repowered boats are easier to service. Parts shortages are a real problem in today’s world. Finding parts for older outboards is becoming increasingly more difficult. 

 - You love your boat. You love your boat, but your engines are tired. You like the way the boat runs and handles, you’ve got it rigged and accessorized to function well for you, and maybe you’ve just had a lot of fun or adventure in this boat. You’ve got no desire to go bigger or smaller. If it has been well cared for, a quality boat will almost always outlast its engines, especially in salt water.

- Take advantage of advanced technology. Get more from your time on the water with digital controls, enhanced data displays, and a variety of newer tech that can make your boat feel like new again. 

- Improved fuel economy. Are you still operating a boat that has a carbureted or EFI two-stroke outboard motor? If so, you could stand to gain a 20-30% improvement in fuel efficiency by upgrading to a newer four-stroke motor.

- More reliable operation.  No one likes being stranded at the dock or out in the water because of an older motor on the fritz. Enjoy more confident boating with a motor that won’t let you down. 

Things to Consider When Repowering

Not every boat is going to be a candidate for repowering. And, some boat owners might be disappointed to learn the maximum horsepower capacities for their boats. 

The best candidates for boat repowering are boats between 10-30 years old with motors that are either original or haven’t been updated in more than 5 years. 

Transom Condition

For any boat we’re looking at repowering, one of the first things we’re going to do is inspect the transom. If the transom’s wood core is waterlogged, we’ll recommend repairing or replacing it before proceeding with the repower work. boat restoration

The good news is that just about every transom can be replaced fairly quickly. And, we can typically perform transom replacements in-house. 


Generally speaking, the cost to repower a boat should never exceed the total value of the boat before the repower work. There are some exceptions to this, but it’s a good general rule of thumb. 

The repower professionals at Fort Myers Marine will always provide transparent, accurate cost estimates before any work begins, and you’ll always know exactly what to expect with any repower job we do.

Call or Come in for a Quote Today

Don’t spend another hour on the water with a boat that just doesn’t perform like it used to.

Contact Fort Myers Marine today, and inquire about obtaining a custom quote for an outboard boat repower.