5 Steps to Take Before Selling Your Boat
So you want to sell your boat.
Maybe you’ve outgrown it. Maybe it just doesn’t deliver the kind of performance it once did. Or, maybe it’s just time for something bigger, smaller, or more suited to your lifestyle.
Whatever the reason, one thing is for sure: if you’re going to sell your boat, you want to get the most you can for it.
At Fort Myers Marine, we have been involved in thousands of boat transactions on both sides of the closing table. And, we’ve learned a thing or two about how to prepare for a successful boat sale.
In this article, we’re presenting the five most important steps you can take to get your boat ready to sell for the highest possible price.
Step #1: Decide If Selling on Your Own Is Best
Before you do anything else, we suggest exploring the idea of either selling your boat to an authorized dealer (like us!) or consigning it.
There are benefits to both, and more often than not, by selling to or through an established boat dealer, you can save a lot of time and hassle while getting access to a market of potential buyers that you wouldn’t be able to reach on your own.
At the very least, you owe it to yourself to explore this option before deciding to commit all the effort it will take to sell your boat on your own.
Step #2: Detail and De-clutter
If you are going to sell your boat on your own, the next step is going to be to wash, detail. and de-clutter your boat. Notice we’re using the term ‘detail’ and not ‘clean’, because a full boat detail is always going to generate more interest from potential buyers.
Even if you pay to have this service done for you, it will almost certainly be worth the expense.
When de-cluttering, remove as many personal effects from your boat as possible, and replace worn equipment wherever it makes sense to do so.
Step #3: Take High-Quality Photos and Videos on the Water
Potential boat buyers want to see your boat in action. So, arrange to have some great photos and videos taken, both on the water and off.
Showcase everything about the boat, internally and externally, and be sure to do this after you’ve completed step #2!
Step #4: Price Your Boat Appropriately
Every for-sale boat has two prices: what the seller is asking, and what the buyer is willing to pay. Sometimes, those two figures are the same, but more often, they’re not.
Be sure you know the real value of your boat. It might help to get an appraisal that you can show potential buyers. If you need help, contact us and we can give you some referrals.
Step #5: Advertise Your Boat
Whether you advertise in print, online, or by simply hanging a ‘for sale’ sign on the side, you need to make the world aware of your boat's availability.
Boat owners are almost always going to sell their boat faster and for a higher price when they invest in advertising—it’s a fact!
Still need help selling your boat? Want to discuss consignment? Get in touch with us!
Even if you don’t sell it to us, good luck selling your boat!